Los Hermanos Pena
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Los Hermanos Pena

Date: Sept 01, 2024
Time: 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM

Los Hermanos Peña made their initial mark on the music scene in the 1970s with, brothers, Luis Peña and Ramon Peña recording as the backing band for major artists like Cornelio Reyna.

In the 1980s, their younger brother Gilbert Peña joined them on bass, and the trio frequently appeared on the Johnny Canales Show, including a notable episode with Selena.

Following Ramon's tragic passing, the youngest brother, Fide Peña, stepped in as drummer, and, later, Oscar Peña joined as a singer. This lineup solidified their stature in the music world. By 2019, all four brothers were inducted into the Tejano Music Hall of Fame.

As former members of Los Arcos, the Peña brothers recorded and performed on hits such as "El Borracho Del Año," "Me Voy Aventar Del Puente," and "Me Enamoré De Ti." In 2024, a documentary detailing their journey as brothers was produced by PBS, with a nationwide release set for January 2025.

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